Seeing photographs like this, makes us feel confident that Elder Reynolds is enjoying himself.

Whilst we were at the Ashton Stake House in Ashton under Lyne, Elder Reynolds was several hundred miles away in the Epsom Ward Building watching the same conference at the same time
As you can see by this and subsequent photos, Elder Reynolds Is really struggling with eating. I have no idea where he puts it all.
Sacrilegious though how he is using shop bought tortillas. You wouldn't get away with that at home.

All I can say is that Elder Reynolds' Great Grandmother Southren always used to say 'you can't fatten a thoroughbred'. His Great Grandma Young always used to accuse him of 'having hollow legs'.
All I can say is from experience...'this doesn't last'.
Now this was fun! Brother F took us to a Carvery last Tuesday (the one before Tuesday just gone!). It was amazing! I loved the food! Brother F was surprised I went up for seconds! Haha! (Didn't have enough time to get more!) Loved it! Proper food! There was me, Elder Whitehead, Brother F and TK (a recent convert)! Good fun!
Just a quick update on the Book of Mormons, they have not turned up yet! Haha!
And also, I may be moving next Wednesday, so I am hoping they get here before then! I will let you know of the new address when I find out! Maybe hold off post for now, then I will tell you when I get there! Haha! I don't want to miss anything!
This week has been pretty fun! On Tuesday, we were in a town called Banstead. We were talking to a lot of people! We approached a bus at the Bus stop where three men were standing, they were Bus Drivers. There was a Christian, a Muslim and an Atheist (don't worry this is not a joke!). We explained who we were (disciples of Jesus Christ) and shared our unique message (Eternal Families and living prophets on the Earth), the Christian walked off, the Muslim drove off in the Bus (we gave him a pass-along card, to learn more!) and we spoke to the Atheist! He was amazing! We spoke to him for quite a while, he knew of Mormons and wanted to find out more! We gave him a Book of Mormon, prayed with him and he promised us that he would read the Book of Mormon! Since he does not live in our area, we had to refer him to another set of missionaries! We actually referred quite a few people over the last two weeks, most people ready to receive the Gospel in our area, don't actually live in our area! Haha!
(Just a little side note: On Thursday, we were getting on the train back into Epsom when we saw a camera crew and a face that I recognised but couldn't think of a name! They got onto the train we got on to and came off when we got off! They filmed him getting off the train, and I believe that we were walking behind him when he got off! Haha! It must have been for a train documentary or something? Haha! I may be on TV! Haha! It was interesting!)
On Friday, I was on exchange with Elder Avanesjan (German)! He is an amazing missionary! We had many cool experiences! We spoke to everyone on the street, even if it meant that we had to run to them! Haha! There are so many experiences I could share but I will only share one! We were crossing over the road when a woman walked passed on the other side, we waited for the lights to change in a our favour then ran to her! We shared with her what we know and she was very interested! She really wanted to find out more and we told her that we could share more of our message and would help her in gaining her own testimony and she said "Is it ok, because I am a Catholic?!". So of course we said it was fine, because we share it with EVERYONE!
Because we have been so busy it meant that we watched 4 conferences yesterday! Conference pretty much filled up our whole day! We still have one more to see, we will probably watch it tomorrow! It was pretty cool sustaining the three new apostles! It was super exciting! Haha!
Anyway, its been great hearing from you! Hope you are all enjoying yourselves, I think of you all the time! I look forward to next week!